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Jocuri PC
Gladiators of Rome (PC)
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In Gladiators of Rome, you control a team of up to 10 gladiators, whom you buy from your local slave pen. Basically, you recruit gladiators from several weapon-based character classes (such as mace, hammer, blade, axes, and bows) and then participate in arena battles against other gladiators in preset matches as part of a linear single-player campaign. Each gladiator class has a standard attack, a standard defensive maneuver, the ability to walk or run to different parts of the arena, and two additional special abilities (for instance, the hammer gladiator has a double attack that deals double damage and a stun attack that briefly paralyzes a group of enemies), but you'll find that through most of the game long-range weapons like slings and bows aren't as reliable as close-range weapons. The actual gameplay generally comes down to ordering your team of gladiators to attack the opposing team until one group dies off, though you can also play the crowd by cheering at them, or using "finishing" attacks to down nearly-dead opponents--either of these actions can win you more prize money at the end of a fight.
Gladiators clearly draws inspiration from the Baldur's Gate role-playing series for its fighting system. All fights take place in real time, but since you'll be spending all your time giving specific orders to specific gladiators, you'll generally have to pause the game frequently by pressing the space bar, exactly like in Baldur's Gate. At its best, Gladiators is surprisingly enjoyable, because it has simple tactical elements, such as using a hammer fighter's stun ability to set up another gladiator's follow-up attack. At its worst, Gladiators is sluggish and boring, since all your gladiators' actions are dependent on onscreen bars that indicate your stamina, and you'll often find yourself waiting for your gladiators' stamina to replenish before you can execute your next maneuver. You'll also likely have problems with your gladiators' poor pathfinding and slow foot speed, which often result in pitched battles turning into a single ugly mass of arms and legs on the battlefield--one in which it's difficult to target the enemy you wish to defeat.
Battles can often get messy.
There are several other problems that you could cite about Gladiators of Rome. For instance, the game has only three arenas (each of which has only a handful of fights, which you perform in a single, linear order), so it's not terribly long. And just as your gladiators will have to overcome their initial enemies to get to their more-challenging foes, you'll have to overcome the game's lackluster graphics and sound to get any enjoyment out of the game. Gladiators of Rome is a 3D game that uses simplistic, occasionally primitive 3D graphics to represent its drab arenas and its limited selection of gladiator models. Though these gladiators can be outfitted with different weapons and armor that show up on the actual character models, they're still pretty blocky, and their animation is extremely limited, including nothing more than animations for walking, running, and a few maneuvers.
Gladiators of Rome's sound isn't particularly noteworthy either, since your gladiators possess only a few generic sound samples that become repetitious quickly, and the whole game is set to forgettable synth-orchestral music that's appropriate but easy to ignore. The game also doesn't try very hard to stay true to its subject. For instance, you buy your equipment and slaves using "dollars," and you train your gladiators by clicking on a little statistic button that increases their abilities (which are represented by green numbers on a status screen) rather than by training in a slave pit.
Gladiators of Rome had a lot of potential--the idea of fighting massive tactical battles against enemy gladiators and ferocious beasts could have made for an intriguing game. As it is, the game is still somewhat enjoyable in a simplistic way, but it's doubtful you'll enjoy it for long. face eforturi permanente pentru a pastra acuratetea informatiilor din aceasta prezentare. Rareori acestea pot contine mici inadvertente: fotografia poate contine accesorii neincluse in pachetul standard, unele specificatii pot fi modificate de producator fara preaviz, preturile pot fi modificate de furnizori fara preaviz sau pot contine erori de operare. Nu toate produsele sunt pe stoc; in cazul in care unele produse comandate sunt indisponibile sau au alt pret decat cel la care ati facut comanda, veti fi anuntat inaintea trimiteri comenzii.
Test Drive Unlimited este un GT / Street Racing Game, fiind unul dintre cele mai realiste jocuri ce se incadreaza in aceasta categorie. Jocul contine peste 70 de masini: Lamborghini, Ducati, Aston Martin, Mercedes, Saleen, Shelby, Jaguar, etc. toate fiind licentiate. Exteriorul masinilor cat si interiorul este detaliat la maxim. Jucatorul poate sa-si personalizeze masinile dupa bunul plac folosindu-se in exclusivitate de catalogul producatorului fiecarei masini.
Medal of Honor: Afganistan

Seria Medal of Honor si-a creat multi fani de-a lungul timpului, însa acum face o miscare asteptata de ceva timp. Al doilea razboi mondial a fost lasat în urma, iar producatorii s-au orientat spre conflictele moderne. Pentru a putea concura cu seria Modern Warfare, cei de la EA din Los Angeles au mutat câmpul de lupta în Afganistan. Jucatorul va intra în pielea unui luptator din unitatea Tier 1 Operator, trimisa acolo unde nicio alta unitate speciala nu s-ar descurca. Evenimentul Video
Game Awards 2009 a fost ales de EA pentru a lansa primul trialer din Medal of Honor. Jocul
va fi lansat pentru PC si console undeva în toamna lui 2010.
Cand ne-am apucat sa reinventam Medal of Honor, am vrut sa ramanem fideli realismului si respectului pentru soldati, dar sa aducem actiunea in razboiul de astazi”, a declarat Greg Goodrich, unul dintre producatorii acestui joc.
Medal of Honor este produs tot de studioul din Los Angeles al Electronic Arts, dar multiplayer-ul va fi dezvoltat de catre DICE, cei responsabili pentru seria Battlefield.
Max Payne 3

Succesul inregistrate de Max Payne 2 este cu siguranta o rampa de lansare pentru cel de al treilea joc al seriei.
Rockstar Games si Take-Two Interactive Software au promis ca vom avea jocul pe rafturii in iarna acestui an,cel tarziu in decembrie.
Jocul "incepe un nou capitol din viata justitiarului Max Payne. Produs de catre Rockstar Vancouver, Max Payne 3 ne va spune povestea unui fost politist, care in prezent activeaza ca detectiv intr-o lume inghitita de coruptie, agitata si extrem de violenta. Jucatorul va intra in pielea lui Max Payne, care incearca sa isi razbune familia ucisa. Producatorii promit un joc de actiune intensa dar si o noua directie a firului epic din Max Payne.
Imaginea omului tulburat, cu chelie si barba, imbracat neglijent reprezinta o noutate pentru cel de-al treilea titlu al seriei.El isi va infrunta inamicii in favelas-urile din Sao Paolo, considerate unele din cele mai periculoase cartiere din lume.
Max Payne 3 va continua povestea incheiata in cel de-al doilea titlu al seriei. Actiunea va avea loc la Sao Paulo, la 10 ani dupa evenimentele din Max Payne 2, eroul principal Max fiind serios imbatranit, chel, barbos si dependent de calmante cu un plus insa la cinism, caracteristica indispensabila eroilor trecuti de prima varsta. Vadit afectat dupa incheierea conturilor cu cei de la NYPD si parasirea mediului sau natural, New Yorkul, Max o duce din rau in mai rau, prins ca intr-o capcana intr-un oras al violentelor si al varsarilor de sange. De partea lui sunt doar armele si instinctele de luptator care il vor sluji în cautarea adevarului si a unei portite de iesire din lumea in care a intrat.
Football Manager 2010

Sega si Sports Interactive anunta ca cel mai nou joc din seria Football Manager va fi lansat pe data de 30 octombrie pentru PC, Macintosh si intr-o versiune speciala pentru consola Playstation Portable. Football Manager 2010 va include o sumedenie de imbunatatiri fata de predecesorul sau, navigarea va fi usurata, iar informatiile receptionate de la meciuri vor fi mai usor de interpretat.
Va exista un nou sistem de tactica, o interfata imbunatatita si odata cu aceasta versiune isi va face debutul unealta de analiza a meciurilor.
Cele mai importante imbunatatiri fata de versiunea anterioara vor fi urmatoarele:
Optimizare - un an de optimizare (cel putin asa zic producatorii), care va duce la rularea mai rapida a jocului, il va face mai usor si mult mai “user-friendly”.
Motorul grafic 3D imbunatatit – s-a mai lucrat la AL, s-au adaugat 100 de animatii noi, terenul de joc va fi mai aratos, iar per total meciurile vor fi mai realiste.
Statistici avansate pentru fiecare meci – acum vom avea posibilitatea de a vedea unde a centrat, pasat, sutat, etc fiecare jucator de pe teren, astfel vom afla punctele slabe sau forte ale echipei noastre sau adverse.
O noua interfata – in FM 2010 vom avea o interfata diferita fata de jocul din 2009. Va fi bine sau rau? Din capturile de ecran nu ne puteam da seama, asteptam versiunea demo.
Un nou sistem de tactici – ca si la interfata s-a facut o “revizie generala” si la sistemul de tactici. Bineinteles pentru fanii mai vechi ai jocului au pastrat si obtiunea de a-l folosi tot pe cel vechi.